Benefits of Cinnamon + Side Effects and 7 Contraindications

what is cinnamon good for

Cinnamon is a highly popular spice that is being used in cookery, bakery, cosmetology and medicine. What health benefits and medical properties does it contain? That is what we are going to find out!

Health Benefits of Cinnamon for Vital Body Systems and Immunity

Cinnamon can be found almost in every kitchen, whether it is a home or restaurant one. It is a spice made from the dried bark of an evergreen tropical tree of the laurel family. It is usually added to pastries, hot drinks, meat dishes and cereals. In addition, cinnamon is widely used in perfumery – many toilet waters, soap and shower gels are created from it. However, cinnamon is not only a fragrant spice, but also a very effective remedy.

Even ancient Chinese healers knew its properties. Cinnamon is also mentioned in the ancient Indian treatise of “Ayurveda” and the Old Testament.

In ancient times, cinnamon was used to treat various ailments. Modern medicine confirms that the use of this spice positively affects the work of all vital body systems, helps in the fight against many diseases, improves overall tonus and strengthens immunity.

Find out more about cinnamon nutrition:

Cinnamon is rich in microelements, such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and zinc. It contains vitamins of group B and also C, A, PP, tannins, essential oils and fiber.

What is Cinnamon Good for?

In medicine, cinnamon is widely used as an antiseptic antimicrobial remedy. There is a lot of diseases it helps fighting.

Most valuable properties are:

  • Cinnamon helps to improve the state of gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is an effective astringent.
  • Due to the content of dietary fiber, cinnamon reduces the likelihood of oncology in the large intestine.
  • This aromatic spice promotes purification of liver, removes extra bile salts from the body.
  • Cinnamon is used to cure kidney diseases and bladder infections.

‘Burning’ properties of cinnamon, highly appreciated by mulled wine lovers, are achieved due to the aldehyde cinnamon acid. This substance saves us from hypothermia in frosty weather. At the same time, it is also an effective antipyretic and diaphoretic remedy – useful paradox.

More Facts about Benefits of Ceylon Cinnamon

Ceylon is a homeland of cinnamon. It grows in many other places in Asia and Near East, but nothing can compare to the original.

It has a unique taste and some outstanding features, such as:

  • Cinnamon can bring invaluable benefits for children. Two or three pinches of this spice per day can positively affect concentration of attention and strengthen eyesight. Cinnamon also helps to develop memory and fight any fatigue.
  • For women, cinnamon helps to relieve menstrual pain, improve body tonus, and remove irritability. With a regular intake of this spice, menstrual cycle harmonizes, and sexuality increases markedly. Cinnamon flavor can significantly improve the susceptibility of erogenous zones.
  • It is useful to eat cinnamon for elderly people who have noticeable age-related changes in arteries and veins. It will help to prevent heart attack. In addition, regular cooking with this spice can strengthen the heart muscle and normalize blood pressure.
  • Cinnamon can help to fight a flu and colds. Warm beverages with cinnamon will ease any headache, intensify sweating, facilitate breathing and help to remove swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Benefits of Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon can grant you all those health benefits if you eat just a half of a teaspoon per day. Therefore, it is a good idea to add it to your tea. This way you will only enhance its advantages. The recipe for such beverage is simple. In 1 liter of green leaf tea (without additives and flavorings), add the juice of 1 lemon and 2-3 teaspoons of ground cinnamon. Cool it and put in a fridge. You can take the first portion in the morning.

The taste of cold green tea with cinnamon may seem too tart and bitter – in this case, you can think of alternative ways of eating cinnamon: for example, mix it with kefir, or add cinnamon to honey and eat it as a dessert for tea. Of course, you can make your tea hot and add some more flavors.

How Good is Cinnamon for Weight Loss

Why does cinnamon promote weight loss? This spice has an ability to enhance your body metabolism in several times, so that fat deposits are burned faster. The incoming food will be faster processed into energy, without settling in fatty tissues.  Even one serving (1 teaspoon) could be really beneficial for your health and will not be harmful for your weight as it equals to only 20 kcal.

Find out more about cinnamon calories:

In addition, cinnamon accelerates sugar processing, normalizing the level of glucose in the blood. It restores normal functioning of gastrointestinal tract, stimulating natural processes of self-purification of the body. Under the influence of cinnamon, excess fluids, accumulated slag and toxins will be cleared.

Sweet buns, even with a very large amount of cinnamon, alas, will not help the process of losing weight, because sugars and fats significantly worsen the effect of this spice.

If you want to lose weight, you just need to eat cinnamon in the right proportions, temporarily reducing the amount of fat and carbohydrates in your diet.

Compatibility of Cinnamon and Diabetes

The therapeutic benefits of cinnamon are there mostly due to the content of special polyphenols. These elements help your body to absorb insulin more easily. Even half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day significantly reduces blood sugar levels and cholesterol, also preventing the development of many inflammatory diseases. This makes cinnamon an indispensable product in nutrition for diabetics.

For example, if you eat a piece of cherry pie – the level of glucose in your blood will certainly rise. If the same pie is sprinkled with a nice portion of cinnamon, the level of glucose will not only increase, but perhaps will decrease a bit.

It’s Useful to Know: Side Effects of Cinnamon

Cinnamon cannot cause any harm to a healthy human. The main condition for using this spice is not to abuse it. Do not eat it with large spoons several times a day. At first glance, this is understandable, but the fact is, some people think that the higher a dosage, the more noticeable the result (especially those who want to lose weight quickly). Unfortunately, it is not true for cinnamon.

is cinnamon healthy

In reasonable doses, this spice promotes healing, in large – may have the opposite effect. For example, if a small pinch of cinnamon can stimulate the brain and improve sight, an excessive amount of it will cause a depressed state and an acute headache.

Cinnamon also contains coumarin, a fragrant substance that can cause liver damage that does not have symptoms. People with severe liver diseases are particularly susceptible to the influence of coumarin. The smallest amount of this substance is found in Ceylon cinnamon, and Chinese one (so-called cassia) can contain coumarin 100 times more. That is why doctors advise to inquire from what region the spice was brought.

Cinnamon is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy;
  • For lactating mothers;
  • With low blood coagulation;
  • With ulcerative diseases;
  • When having a high body temperature or high blood pressure;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Some allergies.

Cinnamon is a unique spice, when talking about the taste. However, its health benefits are also outstanding. As it helps with many diseases, it can improve memory and sight. Moreover, consuming cinnamon lowers sugar content in blood, which is good for those who suffer from diabetes. Reasonable amounts of cinnamon will do no harm, but improve your health.


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