Nutrition Facts of Sweetened and Unsweetened Almond Milk: Does it Differ from Cow Milk?

is almond milk lactose free

Worldwide, almond milk is considered to be a healthy food because it contains many useful substances and no harmful components of usual milk. Why is it so popular though?

General Facts about Almond Milk Nutrition

Almond milk is actually popular in many cuisines as the product with a low caloric value, but lots of vitamins and nutrients. Basically, it is a natural milk that makes all nuts so beneficial for health. Therefore, the popularity of an almond one is no big surprise, since it is one of the most nutritious nuts.

There are several advantages of almond milk that are not present in a cow’s one. Firstly, almond milk helps to manage body weight. The thing is that one cup of this drink contains only 40 calories. It is for this reason that milk from almonds can be included in a diet of people watching their figure. You cannot say that about regular milk calories.

There are not many proteins in almond milk. However, there are still lots of riboflavin that is necessary for normal growth and functioning of muscles.

There is no cholesterol or saturated fats in the composition of almond milk.

Moreover, it contains sodium in a small amount and omega fatty acids in large. Therefore, such drink reduces blood pressure and prevents heart diseases. Talking about vitamins, almond milk contains all group B, A and D. In almond milk, there is also vitamin E, known to be a nice antioxidant. It protects your skin from ultraviolet rays.

Find out more about milk nutrition:

There is a lot of phosphorus, which is involved in the regeneration of bone tissue, as well as magnesium – a mineral, which is necessary for the normal operation of a heart muscle. In addition, almond milk contains manganese, zinc, copper and other useful substances, which favorably affect the work of your body.

how much calcium in almond milk

Is Almond Milk Lactose Free?

Vegetarians culture was first to start drinking almond milk as a replacement of a regular one. The reason is not only moral, but healthy too. The thing is there is no lactose in almond milk. What does it mean?

Despite the use of lactose for medicinal purposes, for some people it is not absorbed nicely and causes disturbances in the digestive system, including diarrhea, pain and bloating, nausea and vomiting after eating dairy products. These people lack or are inadequately supplied with the enzyme lactase.

The purpose of lactase is the cleavage of lactose on its part, glucose and galactose, which must then be adsorbed by the small intestine.

Having lactose intolerance means that you cannot drink animal origin milk at all. However, you still need all the essential vitamins and minerals from there. That is why drinking almond milk is good for you. You will receive a lot of useful elements, while there will be no glucose or galactose.

Does Almond Milk Contain Calcium?

Calcium in one glass of almond milk provides up to 30% of the recommended daily intake. In addition, the drink is rich in vitamin D (up to 25%), which reduces the risk of developing arthritis and osteoporosis and strengthens the immune system. Together, these two nutrients ensure the health of bones and teeth.

Moreover, you can find almond milk fortified with vitamin D. This means such beverage will grant you a whole lot of advantages, making calcium absorb completely.

Content of Carbs in Almond Milk

Carbohydrates are often the reason of gaining weight. If you do not exercise much, these substances will easily turn into fat. What about almond milk? Since there is no lactose, does it contain many carbohydrates at all? The answer is ‘no’. One cup of almond milk is worth less than 1% of a daily intake of carbs. It is not a surprise, since there are only 40 calories.

It will be useful to know for diabetics that almond milk has no effect on blood sugar level, and with a low glycemic index, it reduces the risk of this disease.

Does Almond Milk Make You Fat?

There is slightly more than one gram of fats in a glass of almond milk. We know that carbs content is not much as well. Therefore, almond milk is absolutely nice for a diet. It has no cholesterol, no sugar and lots of vitamins. Nevertheless, do not use almond milk for bakery and other cooking. It is not compatible with boiling.

Nutrition Facts of Almond Milk

Sweetened Almond Milk (Glycemic Index = 30)

Name of nutrition component Content per 1 cup Content per 100 g Percent of daily intake *
Proteins 1.1 g 0.4 g 0.8%
Fats 2.5 g 1.1 g 3.7%
Carbohydrates 16.6 g 6.6 g 5.1%
Sugars 15.5 g 6.2 g 24.8%
Calcium 470 mg 188 mg 18.8%
Iron 750 µg 300 µg 16.7%
Magnesium 18 mg 7 mg 2.2%
Phosphorus 20 mg 8 mg 1.1%
Potassium 125 mg 50 mg 1.1%
Sodium 158 mg 63 mg 2.7%
Zinc 1575 µg 630 µg 7.8%
Vitamin A 158 µg 63 µg 9.0%
Vitamin B1 38 µg 15 µg 1.4%
Vitamin B2 443 µg 177 µg 16.1%
Vitamin B3 (PP) 188 µg 75 µg 0.5%
Vitamin B6 7.5 µg 3 µg 0.2%
Vitamin B9 2.5 µg 1 µg 0.3%
Vitamin B12 2.5 µg 1 µg 41.7%
Vitamin D 2.5 µg 1 µg 20.0%

* according to USDA

Unsweetened Almond Milk (Glycemic Index = 30)

Name of nutrition component Content per 1 cup Content per 100 g Percent of daily intake *
Proteins 1.5 g 0.6 g 1.3%
Fats 2.8 g 1.1 g 4.1%
Carbohydrates 1.5 g 0.6 g 0.5%
Calcium 493 mg 197 mg 19.7%
Iron 875 µg 350 µg 19.4%
Magnesium 18 mg 7 mg 2.2%
Phosphorus 25 mg 10 mg 1.4%
Potassium 168 mg 67 mg 1.4%
Sodium 178 mg 71 mg 3.1%
Zinc 175 µg 70 µg 0.8%
Vitamin A 109 µg 43 µg 6.1%
Vitamin B1 150 µg 60 µg 5.5%
Vitamin B2 118 µg 47 µg 4.3%
Vitamin B3 (PP) 188 µg 75 µg 0.5%
Vitamin B6 38 µg 15 µg 1.2%
Vitamin B9 2.5 µg 1 µg 0.2%
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D 2.5 µg 1 µg 20.0%

* according to USDA

Almond milk is a nice replacement of its dairy equivalent. It has almost no fats, carbs or cholesterol. However, the taste is still nice and close to the original. Moreover, it is ok to drink almond milk if you have lactose intolerance. Summing up, such product is really a cool thing, absolutely health-beneficial and delicious.


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