Is Milk So Healthy? Benefits of Whole Milk vs Skim Milk

milk benefits and disadvantages

Milk is actually one of the most popular products we consume. There is a pack in any fridge you glance. Therefore, milk should be really beneficial for health. Is it so? Let us find out!

It has long been known that milk is an excellent source of calcium. In addition, your body absorbs this mineral from milk almost completely. This feature makes it an indispensable product for both children and adults.

Moreover, people suffering from osteoporosis, a disease in which calcium is washed out of bones, making them fragile and brittle, will also get a lot of the element from milk.

To fight viral infections, immunoglobulins are needed. They are formed from proteins. It is milk protein that is absorbed by your body better than any other is. That is why any dairy products are recommended for sportsmen, as milk proteins are the most digestible.

Milk is an excellent remedy that helps fight insomnia. It has a sedative effect on the body and the nervous system, in particular, due to the high content of phenylalanine and tryptophan amino acids. Moreover, a regular consumption of milk prevents migraines and headaches.

Due to a diuretic effect, milk perfectly reduces pressure. That is why it is needed for those who suffer from hypertension. There are much more advantages of drinking milk.

Let us name only the most valuable ones:

  • According to scientific research, daily consumption of milk reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 15-20%.
  • Milk reduces the probability of breast and intestines cancer.
  • It positively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, lowers acidity, helps to cope with heartburn; it is useful for gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • Drinking milk helps reduce the negative impact of salty and sour food.
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes developing.
  • Milk is very useful for children, as it provides the body with almost all the beneficial substances necessary for the growth and development of tissues.
  • It is recommended for those who wants to lose weight, as milk reduces the feeling of hunger, being not much calorized.

Considering mentioned it is understandable why milk is such a common product. However, there is a whole milk and a skimmed one. Which is better for your health? Let us look at the benefits of both.

Are There Any Health Benefits of Skimmed Milk?

Independent studies of non-profit foundations have found numerous health problems related to the consumption of skim milk. At best, the health benefits of this product are questionable. Why is it so?

Whole milk contains vitamins A and D in milk fat, which help in the assimilation of proteins and calcium. If the fat is removed, your body uses reserve stocks of these vitamins to digest proteins and calcium from the skim milk itself. Thus, low-fat milk actually contributes to nutrient deficiencies, as the body drains its vitamin stores. However, you may find a skimmed milk with these vitamins added artificially.

In skim milk, dry concentrated milk proteins are added to make it look and taste like a whole one. Powdered milk concentrate is produced with the help of a high-temperature process, at which protein denaturation occurs.

Therefore, as is known, denaturation of proteins makes it difficult for the body to assimilate them. In addition, a high-temperature process produces bad LDH (low-density cholesterol), which can lead to heart disease.

Pasteurization destroys living enzymes and the whole structure of milk protein, which prevents its digestibility. Raw milk on the contrary, is easier to digest and its living enzymes help the body to process lactose and metabolize vitamins. Many people suffering from intolerance to lactose find that they can drink a raw (or whole) milk without any problems.

Therefore, you should drink a skimmed milk only if you go on a strong diet or something. If you just want to cook a pie or drink it as is, use a semi-skimmed milk instead. Such product is also rather different from a whole one, but there are more full vitamins and proteins than in a skimmed one.

what is lactose free milk and is it healthy

Health Benefits of Whole Milk

The pasteurized milk is not as useful as a whole one, beside those disadvantages of a skimmed milk we have mentioned.

Let us name the most important reasons why:

  • Do not be afraid that milk of a high fat content will contribute to weight gain. Despite the high calorie content, the whole milk produces special substances that help to experience a longer satiety. However, one liter of whole milk contains the entire daily rate of fat.
  • During the first few hours after milking, the milk contains enzymes, immunoglobulins and leukocytes. That is why it is the most beneficial for your immune system. Put the milk in a fridge immediately after milking, and you can use it for 2 days.
  • A liter of whole milk contains a daily dose of calcium and phosphorus, which are responsible for the strength of nails and hair.

Add all these benefits to everything said in a first paragraph and you will see that whole milk is really something indispensable. Its nutrients content is absolutely unique.

Are There Any Benefits of Drinking Milk at Night?

We have mentioned before that milk helps to fight insomnia. If you drink it shortly before going to bed, then your sleep quality will increase. This is due to the sedative effect on nervous system milk grants.

If you want to enhance the effect, add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of milk. Drink it 20-30 minutes before going to sleep.

There are many other benefits that drinking milk at night is claimed to have, but most of them are not true. No advantages will be lost whether you drink milk at night or at day. There is almost no difference at all.

Some Words about Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy

Allergy to cow’s milk protein affects from 2% to 6% of children under the age of one year. About 50% of children recover from it during the first year of life. 80-90% – during the first five years. Allergy to cow’s milk should be suspected in children who experience allergic reactions of immediate type such as acute urticaria, wheezing, rhinitis, dry cough, vomiting, laryngeal edema, acute asthma with severe respiratory failure, anaphylaxis. The final diagnosis of “allergy to cow’s milk protein” is based on a food provocative test, which is conducted after an elimination diet lasting 2-4 weeks.

Diets prescribed in infant nutrition should be balanced. That is why calcium is additionally assigned for children with allergies to cow’s milk protein.

Therefore, cow’s milk protein allergy is not something terrible. Such disease will melt away by itself after a few years. However, it is important to make sure that your child gets all the necessary vitamins and nutrients from other products or nutritional supplements.

What is Lactose Free Milk and is it Healthy?

Lactase insufficiency (or lactose intolerance) is a condition in which the human body lacks or almost lacks a special enzyme – lactase, which is necessary to digest lactose – milk sugar.

Lactose-free milk is a usual natural milk, only without lactose. In this drink, lactose is divided into glucose and galactose, which has a positive effect on the digestibility of the product. Therefore, milk retains its taste, all the useful properties and is completely safe for health. A slight difference may be observed, but it is not significant. If you have lactose intolerance, drink lactose free milk with no worries.

Milk is beneficial for health. And ‘beneficial’, in this case, means a complete nutrients and vitamins content. There is no other product like milk, since it contains many special proteins and lots of calcium. Skimmed and semi-skimmed milk are not that nice, but still rather useful. Anyway, drinking a glass of milk of any kind will do no harm, but make your body stronger and healthier with 100% probability.


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