Sesame Oil Health Benefits for Skin, Face & Hair

how to use sesame oil for skin

Sesame oil is a unique product, beneficial for health of all internal organs. No matter whether you use it internally or externally, it will make you feel and look better.

What is Sesame Oil?

Sesame seeds have been cultivated for thousands of years. The technology is still the same, being widely used in Pakistan, India, Central Asia, Mediterranean countries and China. These seeds are used not only as a spice, but also to produce sesame oil.

The first mention of the healing power of sesame oil is found in the tracts of Avicenna. More than 3000 years ago, it was widely used in Egypt as a medical remedy.

Sesame oil has a wide range of medicinal properties and is widely used in medicine and cosmetology recipes nowadays, as well as in bakery. In addition, it can often be found in the perfume and canning, confectionery industry, in the production of a variety of lubricants and solid fats.

Sesame oil is obtained from seeds by cold pressing. Unrefined product from fried seeds has a beautiful dark brown color. It is called a black sesame oil, which is more calorized than a regular oil, but fully filled with vitamins. Both have a rich sweetish nutty taste, but black one smells much stronger.

Find out more about other oils:

Aromatic unrefined oil, saturated with nutrients, has been used since ancient times as an ingredient in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indian and Thai cuisine. Having a unique taste, it is combined with soy sauce and honey to become a nice flavor for seafood, fried vegetables and meat.

A few drops of sesame oil can make any dish smell and taste much more interesting.

You may try it for your regular meals to see how tastier they become with the use of the oil. It is also a nice idea to replace olive oil with sesame one.

Is Sesame Oil Good for You?

Sesame oil has a fairly wide range of healing effects, including anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, analgesic, bactericidal, immunostimulating, diuretic properties. Sesame oil helps quickly neutralize the increased acidity, brings relief in colic, helps eliminate all sorts of erosive-ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Therefore, it is used in the prevention and treatment of gastritis with high acidity, constipation and pancreatic diseases.

Sesame oil is extremely beneficial for the health of blood vessels and heart. It contains a complex of substances that strengthen and nourish the heart muscle, increasing the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques, which reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, normalizing pressure.

Sesame oil also has sedative and antidepressant properties. Thanks to the content of magnesium, vitamins B, sesamolin and polyunsaturated acids, this product calms the nervous system, protects it from the negative effects of stress.

Regular use of sesame oil will help to eliminate apathy, insomnia, depression, fatigue and irritability. Massage with this oil helps muscles relax.

Having wound healing, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and also important immunostimulating properties, sesame oil is a common remedy for treating various dermatological diseases and improving the skin condition.

Sesame oil can penetrate deep into the skin and promote its nutrition, excellent softening and moisturizing. The biochemical components of the product, which promote the synthesis of collagen, make skin elastic.

Sesame oil is also a very effective remedy for hair loss and fragility and an excellent restoring and nourishing component in masks for dyed or damaged hair. Normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands, this plant product is very useful in the treatment of seborrhea.

List of Sesame Oil Benefits

is sesame oil good for you

Let us make a short list of the most important benefits of sesame oil, as there are plenty of them.

Therefore, sesame oil is good for:

  • Digestive system – it facilitates intestinal colic, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, has a laxative and anthelmintic effect.
  • Treatment of rheumatism, pain in joints.
  • Circulatory system. Regular intake of sesame oil leads to an increase in the number of platelets, positively affects the process of blood coagulation.
  • Cardiovascular system. Contained vitamins and fatty acids strengthen the heart muscle; give elasticity to the walls of vessels.
  • Respiratory organs. Eliminates the dryness of the nasal mucosa; is used in the complex treatment of bronchial asthma, pneumonia and dry cough.
  • Female and male health. B vitamins, as well as vitamin E, omega-6, zinc and omega-9, have a positive effect on both prostate function in men and on the function of the female reproductive system.
  • Prevention of oncological diseases. Sesame oil has a powerful immune stimulating
  • Maintenance of daily requirement of calcium in the body.
  • It improves eyesight.
  • Sesame oil is good for skin and hair. It nourishes and rejuvenates both.

Sesame Oil for Skin

Application of sesame oil is recommended for the care of dry, coarse, fading and flabby skin. It has good nutritional, moisturizing and emollient properties; prevents dryness of the skin, eliminates its peeling, prevents the appearance of first signs of aging (wrinkles, lethargy, sagging, decreased tone and elasticity of the skin).

Sesame oil is also widely used for the care of tender baby skin. Its use helps to soothe irritated skin, relieve its redness and eliminate itching.

Sesame oil is good for the care of eyelid skin, as it needs to be hydrated and nourished from a young age. Thanks to the magnesium content, which is an anti-stress element, sesame oil helps face muscles to relax, and if, for example, apply it overnight, then in the morning your face will look fresh and rested.

Sesame oil has a good penetrating and cleansing ability, and is great for daily protection of skin. It fights acne well.

How to Use Sesame Oil for Skin

The methods of applying sesame oil on skin at home are practically the same as using other natural vegetable oils. This is a kind of universal remedy for skin care. So, for example, pure sesame oil can be safely used instead of a night face cream. Alternatively, you can simply add it to the cream that you use.

Sesame oil can be added not only to the cream, but also to any other skin care products (cleansing milk, lotions, tonics, gels and facial cleansers).

You can perform any kind of massage with sesame oil. For example, use it in self-massage for face lifting. Leave the oil on the skin after massaging for half of an hour to let it soak nicely.

Sesame Oil for Hair

Sesame oil is universally beneficial for any hair type. It provides intensive and deep hydration and nutrition, supplying the roots with essential nutrients for health and beauty.

It is known that sesame oil is an excellent protective agent against the negative influence of ultraviolet (as well as sea and chlorinated water), so it will be especially useful during summer holidays. Regular application of sesame oil in hair care revitalizes damaged, dry, weakened and brittle hair, restores elasticity, strength and healthy shine.

Sesame oil is extremely useful for hair regrowth.

As sesame oil can affect the secretion of sebaceous glands, it is recommended to use it if you have greasy and dull hair.

How to Use Sesame Oil for Hair

Like many vegetable oils, sesame is excellent for use in pure form. It can be added to various ready-made hair care products (five drops for one-time use, to be washed off with shampoo after). You can also use sesame to prepare various masks and massage mixtures, combining with cosmetic and essential oils (the choice of oils depends on the desired result).

For a more effective result, sesame oil should be slightly heated using a water bath.

Due to the presence of magnesium in the composition, sesame oil has soothing and anti-stress properties, so it is often used to massage the scalp in order to relax and eliminate signs of irritation.

Sesame oil is unique indeed. It has a whole lot of vitamins in the content, so it helps your body to fight various diseases and remain young for a long time. Moreover, if you use sesame oil for skin and hair, you will see them rejuvenate and become extraordinary beautiful from the first time.


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